- Moves in four directions
- Shoots bullets in the direction the tank is facing
- There are two types of tanks
- Enemy Tank
- Enemy tanks are controlled by the computer and have scripted behaviors that can be attached to them:
- Random movement - Moves in a random direction every T seconds
- Seeker - Moves toward a target (Eagle, Player or a Tile on the map) - Vector2.MoveTowards
- Player Tank
- The player tank is controlled by a player
- Lava
- Tank - Standing in lava destroys it
- Bullet - Passes over it
- Crafting - Provides one lava ingredient
- Water
- Player - Can’t pass through it
- Bullets - Passes over it
- Crafting - Provides one water ingredient
- Ice
- Tank - N movement is added to the direction it is moving
- Bullet - Passes over it
- Crafting - Provides one ice ingredient
- Forrest
- Tank - Passes below it hiding the tank
- Bullet - Passes below it hiding the bullet
- Crafting - Provides one Forrest ingredient
- Bricks
- Tank - Stop the movement in the direction of the tile
- Bullet - More details here
- Crafting - Provides one bricks ingredient
- Steel
- Tank - Stop the movement in the direction of the tile
- Bullet - Gets destroyed the same way as a brick tile but only with a special recipe
- Crafting - Provides one steel ingredient
- Empty Air
- Tank - Moves normally through
- Bullet - No interaction
- Crafting - Provides one air ingredient
- A bullet collects information about the environment tiles it passes through
- When a bullet hits a tank both are destroyed
- Crafting is the substitute for abilities in the original game. The upgrades that are available there will be transformed into recipes in this version of the game.
- Crafting is the result of the ingredients collected by the bullet.
- Each environment tile provides a crafting ingredient.
- Collecting the right ingredients completes a recipe.
- Example: if the bullet has collected three lava ingredients and hits the outer walls of the game:
- The bullet is destroyed
- The tiles around the tile where the bullet was destroyed become lava